Injections often help to improve joint movement by relieving pain and inflammation in the joint and surrounding tissues.

Peripheral joint injection procedures include the injection of medications into the joints to diagnose and/or treat a number of conditions that can affect the joints in the body, including the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, hip, sacroiliac joint, knee, ankle, and foot joints. In certain circumstances, Dr. Torrance Walker may recommend the use of ultrasound guidance for optimal localization of the needle into the injured areas.

The relief from pain after an injection can last for several weeks to months and can be repeated if the doctor feels it would be necessary and of benefit to the treatment plan.

Peripheral joint injections are performed as an outpatient procedure with local anesthetic to help control the discomfort from the insertion of the needle. During the procedure, a small, thin needle is placed in the area using ultrasound guidance. The precise placement of the needle allows Dr. Walker to inject a small dose of steroid to the affected joint improving the benefit and limiting damage to the surrounding tissues.

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Dr. Walker | Hip MD


1651 West Rosedale Street Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76104

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